Dockside -
The reason we chose Dockside as one of our locations was because it is very convenient to us as a group as it is quite close by and we all are able to travel there, which means that we can go after school as we may not be able to go on weekends due to peoples work. Also, we chose Dockside as the theme there goes with our video and other locations as we want to have a variety of locations and with the range of attractions at Dockside we will be able to get a lot of different shots of the area.
Riverside -
We wanted to use riverside as one of or first locations to film at as it is easily accessible and open, but also as it is close to all of us. We wanted to have an outdoors location that wasn't industrial as a lot of our other locations we have chosen are and this would give us a starting point. This will be the only location that is a natural location and will be easy to film at as we are less likely to have interruptions from our surroundings. We don't plan to do a lot of filming here but we still wanted to incorporate it as we believe that it will appeal to our target audience and will fit with the rest of the video as it adds a contrast to some of the other places.
Camden -
Camden is one our locations as it is a rather vibrant and lively location which will be great for our video as it will give another location that very different from a few of the others, also i know the area well so although it is quite a long way away we'll know our way around the area. Camden has a lot of varied locations so this will give us a lot shots that we could use as its not just one built up area.
School Green Screen -
We decided that we wanted to use the school green screen as we then have the option to choose from a range of backgrounds and lighting. We may use this to show the characters from our video going to even more places that we wouldn't be physically able to visit.
We were also considering using powder paint for the chorus of the song and the green screen would allow us to use any background we chose.
Soho -
We are going to use soho as one of our last locations in our video so we will be travelling their at late evening. We found that soho is prettier at night and is more alive so this would be the best time to film there. Also from our research of the area we found that it would appeal to our target audience as it has a pop genre feel to it and is quite brightly coloured which will also fit with the consistent theme of our music video.
Chinatown -
Throughout our locations we have chosen very colourful places that fit our pop genre and that will appeal to our target audience. From the other places we are going to in London Chinatown will be easy to travel to, as one of the main reason we chose it was out of convenience and because it adds another area that is different and has a different culture to it contrasting with our locations. Also because of the close distance we will spend less time travelling and more time filming in each location.
Winter Wonderland -
Our last location is Winter Wonderland as night it is absolutely stunning and will continue our theme of brightly coloured locations we feel as a group this is one of the main places that will give us a lot of filming opportunities as there is a lot to see. This is a place one would typically go with friends and family and will give us a chance to get shots of all of us at this location and we are planning for one or two of us to go onto the Ferris Wheel so that we can film from the top and get an over view of the whole of Hyde Park.
Travel - Train and tube
We will be using trains and tubes for the majority of our traveling as it is the easiest and the cheapest form of travel as none of us drive, and we all have easy access to a train station so is one of the easiest places to meet before traveling to each of our locations.