Sunday, 24 September 2017

Symphony Storyboards

For our story board, as a group we all contributed our ideas to complete it, although at times we didn't agree on some of the shots so we decided to put both shots in our storyboard so that when we film we can see which one fits our music video better or if both would fit well but just in different places in the video. 
Shot 2 after the establishing shot we thought that it would be good to have a long shot tracking as way make our way down the path to look out at the river. This will immediately give us two very different shots to start off with and will be a quick change in-between them. Here the music will still only be instrumental. 
Between shot 4 and 5 you have a two person shot that goes to a three person shot this will give us an opportunity to link the two shots as this will make the shots flow together with the third person walking into the shot. It will also go well with our storyline of 3 friends together.
From Shot 10 to 14 we will be in a restaurant where we have used a variety of different shots so that we can show our menu, food and then it will pan down to one of the characters feet to then pan back up again where they will be in a different location to help transition the characters from one place to another.
This next location is Camden where their will be a range of shots and areas that are located in Camden as it is quite a large location and will show different areas and cultures throughout. Also in shot 18 it is a wide shot of the Tube sign showing where we are and that we will be moving to a different location. We decided that we will do a montage of different tube stages to show the different locations and the passing of time as the characters travel from one place to another.
From here we will move to Riverside as our next scene where we will be showing the three characters looking out towards the river to give a content feel to the scene and then them walking down the paths as a group.
We chose to do three short clips of each one of use throwing and getting covered in powder paint as we thought that it work really well with the chorus and is will bring something different to the video and we will be able to show our filming and editing skills as a group.
We move on to another location where you have a close up of the characters and then have a close of their food to dhow that they are in a sushi bar. As this will only be a short scene we decided to cut back to another montage of tube stations showing the signs from a long shot that also gives our audience a view of the tube station.
As we change locations through our story board we have made a big theme of colour as each place is very colourful and alive. This will appeal to our target audience and work with the pop genre. We have also tried to incorporate a large range of shots and locations to show the passing fo time and the 3 friends going out from different angles and to show the areas they are visiting.

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Situation with our video

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