Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Complete change in colour for Riverside

 With all of the troubles that we had with the colouring of these three clips we thought that instead of just trying to match the colour, we could change the colour completely on all three and focused on trying to keep a similar saturation and exposure on all of clips it would work better. Although we are not sure if our audience will like this section in our video so we are going to get some feedback before we decide whether we will be definitely be applying it to the clips permanently.
We also thought that this would work since our main theme throughout our video is to use very bright and bold colour as it is conventional of a pop video to have bright colours. And although we have changed the colour of the shots you can still see what we were wearing on the day. 

I think if we keep to these pastel like colours it would work better than having the colours too sharp as depending on what colour we went for it could change the lighting and saturation of the image. We hope this appeals to our target audience but we are happy to have changed the colour of the clips as before the change in the colour was subtle but to us it was still very noticeable. 

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