We have quite a lot of costume changes throughout our video as we wanted to make sure that in each location we were wearing something different that is appropriate for that locations. Whether it supposed to be a rare cold or warm place and time of year. Our clothing is a big part of our mis-en-scene as we will be using our clothes to also emphasis the passing of time and the fact that we are changing from one place to another.
Riverside -
For riverside we wanted to go rather casual and be fairly dressed down as we thought that as it is an outdoors area and is a rural area we wouldn't need to dress up. I will be wearing some leggings and a top with a hoodie, to show that its not overly warm but not too cold. A lot of our target audience are teenagers to young adults so this will also appeal to them as it will be everyday clothing that is relatable and may be something they would wear to that specific location.
For riverside we don't plan to use any props as they are unnecessary for this scene although we may use our earphones and a phone for when one character meets with the other two.
Camden -
For Camden we have changed what we are wearing but again gone for casual as Camden isn't really somewhere you would be dressed up to go to as you mainly have the markets and the shops so your unlikely to visit anywhere that requires a more formal or dressed up outfit. We made sure that we are not wearing anything that we will at Riverside to make that clear difference between the two places.
For props we will again not be using many but we will be carrying a bag each and may have food or drink in the scene depending on if we buy anything whist we are there.
The Tubes -
In the tubes we will be wearing the outfits we use for the location we are next going to. We will also be using the filming in the tubes for a montage to show the passing of time. We won't be wearing different outfits for the tubes as they will already be difficult to film in and we will have a lot of items with us already so will be hard to transport everything on our day filming in London.
We will showing and using our tickets in the tubes for props and we may use our phones when or if we film on the tube.
Namco -
For Namco we plan to go more smart casual as although it an arcade it is also a bar, so we wanted to go a little more formal and maybe put a little makeup on to emphasis the outfit as we will be slightly more dressed up. Whilst at Namco we will be using drinks that we bought from the bar and the arcade machines as props, this will show the characters interacting together and having fun. I think Namco will appeal to our audience as its fun and colourful and shows the pop theme in the song.
Piccadilly Square -
We will changing our outfits when we get to Piccadilly but will we be smart casual like in Namco. People tend to dress smarter in this location and the last and we wanted to make sure our clothing was appropriate for the area. We will most likely not be using props in this scene as we are more wondering as a group rather than doing things such as we will at the arcades.
Chinatown -
For this scene we are going back to casual clothing but will be dressed a bit warmer and we plan to go their in late afternoon close to evening so it will be getting colder over the course of the day. We will probably wear coats in this scene if not at least a light jacket.
We may eat in a restaurant and will use props whilst we are their such as food and drink and utensils. But we are not positive yet because places to eat are rather expensive in Chinatown.
Oxford street -
We will not be changing our outfits between Chinatown and Oxford street as they are is close together, which will also work for our music video as if you go to Chinatown are very likely to visit Oxford street on the same day.
Covent Garden -
Here will be dressing up and wearing more formal attire, as it is quite a formal area, it will also be our last location on our London trip therefore it will be dark and it makes sense to wear more formal clothes in the evening rather than the day unless your are going somewhere specific. Also, for this location we may wear jewellery as when dressing up people tend to wear jewellery.
Like Chinatown we may eat while we are in Covent Garden so we will be using our meals and utensils as props also we may have our phones on the tables with a purse or small bag.
Winter Wonderland -
For Winter Wonderland we will be in much warmer clothing as it will most likely be very cold and with the scene it will have a wintery feel to it as it will be close to Christmas. We are planning on buying something from the markets and buying a hot chocolate which we will use as props and we are very likely going to be carrying bags with us while we are there.
Leaving -
We will be back in practical and causal clothes as we will be "moving" for the last part of our music video and will need to wear something you people would typically wear when they are moving house or doing a physical job. So we are most likely going to wear a hoodie and some jeans or jogging bottoms for our final scene. And we will be using our suitcases and the items we place in them as our props for this. Such as: clothes, electrical's, toiletries etc